Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Prophet Jesus

I am reading a book by Jared Wilson that the title alone drew me in, Your Jesus is Too Safe. If that title does not draw your attention, I do not think many titles will. I have not read very far into the book till I am realizing that it is touching very personal issues in my beliefs and life. So, I thought I might just see how others react to Mr. Wilson's comments and thoughts.
The premises of the book is that Western Culture in general, the church included, has watered down the person of Jesus to such a point that He is no longer resembles the person of the Bible. Jared works his way through a number of topics looking at the biblical Jesus' life to present who He really is and was.
The first chapter focuses on Jesus being a prophet. Jared looks at the different aspects of what an Old Testament prophet accomplished in his ministry and if those were accomplished and how they were accomplished in Jesus' ministry. Where I was struck was when Jared pointed out Jesus' constant refrain picked up from John the Baptist. "Repent for the Kingdom of God (Heaven) is at hand." This made me think about my life and the lives of those around me.
I started asking myself if I was living as one who had repented. Repentance is not just the act of saying I am sorry for what I have done in the past. It means turning ones self in a different direction. Not just our thoughts. We have to turn our whole person, body mind and soul to God. This is what Jared pointed out and convicted me. Have I turned my life around completely?
I am asking my self what would be different in my life if I were repentant with my whole person? How would I act different? How would I respond different?
Some people reading this (if anyone does) might be thinking about the reality that I am a pastor. Well, I am one and let me be the first to tell you that pastors are not perfect. Matter of fact, we have as many if not more flaws as everyone else. Many times the position we are in causes us to have more flaws. So, I confess that I am not fully repented. Not all parts of my life have been turned towards God. Help me Lord to live in repentance and be fully turned towards You.

1 comment:

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