Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What is a real present?

This morning I watched the most disturbing Christmas video ever.  It was about Jimmy Kimmel and a challenge he gave to viewers to give their children the worst Christmas present ever.  Now, the premise of this challenge was to see the reaction of little children to bizarre and wrong gifts.  I was appalled at two points.

My first problem was with the parents who were willing to do this challenge.  Why would a parent offer an early Christmas present that they did not intend to give.  These were rotten food, onions, and other strange items.

The other issue is to what we have made our children into over the years with Christmas.  Not one of the children were appreciative of the gifts.  They were all upset.  Some of the children through a fit.  If you have not watched this, I do want to warn you of a few negative words from a child at the end.  Please listen and watch with out the kids in the room.

All of this may seem like a rant on modern understanding of Christmas.  True, I do not like the commercialism of this sacred day.  What is truly appalling is the fact that this is being passed around Facebook and YouTube as humor.  We are willing to ridicule our children to get them on the television for a few brief moments. 

I admit I have not finished all my Christmas shopping and still looking for something special for some people in my family.  I hope I will not find a reason to make fun of them this year.  If I do, I do not think I will make a video for on Facebook.  But, no matter what I give to others, I hope they revive it with gratitude.  After watching this, I want to have some gratitude for every gift. 

1 comment:

mt said...

If somebody gives me a box, says it is a present for me, and it turned out to be spoiled food: I think the other person is mocking me. If somebody is being made fun of, I feel the person has every right to be upset has a right to express his or her displeasure.