Friday, February 27, 2009

Perseverance to Eternal Life

First Friday of Lent
James 1:9-12

After reading this section of James, I see that there is a great sense of dislike for the wealthy streaming from James. I gather Jesus had a similar feeling towards the rich. James declares the rich will wither like a flower in the great heat. These words echo the words of Jesus teaching of the humble and the proud in the temple. This is the parable in Luke 18:9-14.

Jesus tells of a Pharisee who comes to pray in the temple and a tax collector. The Pharisee is proud of his position in life, but the tax collector comes very humbly into the presence of God. Jesus applauds the attitude of the tax collector and proclaims that he will be exulted in God’s presence. This is the same words that James gives to the readers.

In this section, James returns to the first words of the letter, perseverance. We are told in verses 1-4, our perseverance brings perfection. Now perseverance will also bring about the crown of life. Again we are left with the remaining factor of eternal life, love of God.

This first short week of lent is brought us to the reason for the resurrection. Without the death and resurrection of Christ there is no eternal life for us. Even though James is not explicit we know that it is through Christ we have eternal. James reminds us of this early in our season of preparation.

Monday’s reading James 1:13-16

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