Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Third Tuesday in Lent: Lent 2014

Lenten Devotional 

These are the last three chapters of Mark.  In them we move from the Passover feast shared with the disciples to a trial and crucifixion.  Mark wrote the facts very quickly and left little room for extra information.  I believe the report gives us a sense of just how back handed and wrong the whole trial and ordeal went for Jesus.  The  quickness of the story also tells us just how fast God is at making everything better.  The resurrection is just as quick as the crucifixion.  In all this great information and the central piece of the Christian faith, I want us to spend a few minutes on the last part of Mark.

When you read the end of chapter sixteen, you will notice that there is a bold line after verse 8.  In most modern translations, a note is written speaking that older texts of the Bible do not contain this section.  The end of the ancient text is "Trembling and bewildered, the women went out and fled from the tomb. They said nothing to anyone, because they were afraid."  The gospel message would seem to end.  No one, according to this account would have known about the resurrection.  We know this is not the end of the story.  Others are told and the disciples do go to the tomb and witness that it is empty.  Guards from the Romans testify to the earthquake in the morning and the empty tomb.  The story did move past this moment.  I feel I can connect well with the women at this moment in the story of Mark than any other.

If I just went to a tomb and found it empty and saw angels telling me he was alive, I would be scared.  I must admit there are times even two thousand years removed from the event, I am nervous to tell people about the event.  How many times have I not told someone about Jesus because of fear of someone's reaction or response?  Can we realty blame the women for being scared?  

The truth to come is that it is not our power to tell the message of Jesus.  We must trust in God's spirit in us to empower and strengthen us to tell others of Jesus.  Some will think we are a little crazy.  Others will embrace the message.  Others will dismiss the Gospel.  Even with fear, God will spread the message of Good News and grace, we just need to be willing to be His instrument.

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