Today is the first Tuesday in Advent. It is the first week of Advent for that matter, but today has me a little confused about the season and the world we live. This Tuesday has been given a special meaning, Giving Tuesday. It is this new concept for this Tuesday that has gotten me thinking. Not just this, but also a post I read last week about statements made by Pope Francis.
Last week a report came out stating that the Pope was calling Christmas a charade this year. Now, I must admit that I cannot find the first article I read this in and thus I am not linking to that article. This article from the Rolling Stone is similar to the original article. The main difference is less bashing of the Roman Catholic tradition that I found in the original post.
I will admit that I had not given much thought to the article till Sunday rolled around. We had a discussion in Sunday School about the topic of the Pope's remarks. Most people disagreed with the Pope, as many have. The others in the conversation said that Christmas is real this year especially because of the events going on. We need the hope and light that Christ has brought into the world just to maintain a personal if not global hope for the future. I agree. We need the hope Christ brings. But, I also disagree.
My disagreement is not because of the wars, killings, terror attacks, death, homelessness gone rampant, hunger, refugees lost in politics, or any other society problem. I think Christmas (especially in the west) is a charade. It is exactly because of what we have made this Tuesday into why I believe. The Friday after Thanksgiving is Black Friday. A day of spending all we have to get the right gifts for our loved ones. Then, if we have not spent enough, Monday is Cyber deals for all those items we want to get shipped to us online. So, the majority of time after a holiday of giving thanks for what hs been provided is all about getting more stuff. So, a few smart people in the Non-profit world came up with a social media idea of #GivingTuesday. We take this day aside in the busy season to give a little something to the needy or a Non-profit. We give back. Isn't Christmas about giving to others already?
If we need to be reminded to give back on a special day with a hashtag, then Christmas is a charade. I hope that I can find a way to dig through the mess of the glitter and glitz to find the gifts given to me through Jesus and offer them graciously to others. I hope I can find a little of real meaning of Christmas.
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