Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thoughts on Current Events

Now I will admit that I do not comment on current events life politics, society and pop culture in public arenas often. I will discuss politics and pop culture with members of the church or friends. Yet, I think this is a time in the culture where more people speaking out against current situations may just bring light to a real problem. I believe the problem became relevant in recent days.

For the past week, the media has had a all on blitz to mourn the death of Micheal Jackson. My condolence is extended to the family and friends of Micheal as they attempt to figure out brought the end of his life. What I cannot understand is the media and the people's fascination with him. There have been interview after interview. Networks took entire programing time to show the memorial service. People flew from far reaching places just to be in Los Angels for the service. The came without regard to expense of debit accumulated. Yet in this fire storm of activity, real stories of problems and heroes have went unreported or under reported.

The President meet with leaders from Russia this past week. This would typically hold center stage on national television news reports. But not this week. The G-8 summit is opening in Italy. This was a side report on national news. These are important issues that will greatly affect the people of the United States and the world. What we we worried about most? The death of pop idol.

I feel like we have lost track of what is important in life. People are losing jobs, communities are not able to provide basic services and there does not seem to be a change in the near future. Yet, we are spending precious resources on police protection for memorials and worried about what brought about the death of a singer. Many more people have died this past week. People who have served and loved others as much if not more than reported about Micheal Jackson. Yet, there names will never be on national t.v. they will never have a police escort to the funeral. They have slipped away only to leave there mark in a much different way. They will have touched the lives of people who will carry on that same love and attention they gave.

Please, if you are reading this, take a moment and remember someone who will not be in the media's eye. Remember what they taught you and just how you can pass that on to someone else. Also, remember that it is not how we leave this earth that is most important, neither is what possessions or monuments we leave. The most important legacy we can leave is the care and compassion of others. Then we will really leave a mark on the world bigger than any celebrity.

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