Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I am Board

Last Sunday I had what I assume most parents in the face on a regular bases. My son was convinced he did not have to attend church. He worked on me Saturday by convincing me that he should stay the night at a friends house. I of course did not let him. He then worked me over Sunday morning. Now the only way he accomplished Sunday was that Tonya worked the night before and was in no condition to attend church. She need some (a lot) of sleep. So, he thought since mom was able to miss church, he could.
As you might have guessed by now, my son did not win the battle. He reluctantly went to church. When I pressed him for why he did not want to go, he explained it was boring. I must admit that his belief church is boring stuck with me. I am not sure if he was just being a obstinate or was telling the truth, he is getting into the tween years. But I must admit that I have had it stuck in my head. What if he finds church boring? Does he think being a Christian is boring? Am I boring as a preacher (sure to get some comments)?
I think I am pondering this question from the perspective of others. From the other children and youth in the congregation and the world. I worship and attending church boring to them? Is being a Christian boring in their lives? What about the adults? Do they consider this weekly process of attending church a "requirement" to be meet and just attend to guarantee their future? This all comes to mind as the church closes in on Pentecost Sunday.
At the first Pentecost, it was not boring for any one. The spectators caught an eye full and the followers of Jesus were literal and figuratively on fire for Christ. What has happened to the passion we see in the early church? There was a Passion to tell everyone about Jesus. There was fear just in meeting to praise His name. Where is the excitement of the encounter with the living God. This might just be the issue. Are the people coming to have an encounter or a show? This might be why people are boarded. Would love to hear some comments.

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