Thursday, June 23, 2016

Mission Trip Photos

We all hate the "slide show" when someone comes back from vacation. But, these are the photos I took while in the Dominican Republic. I must admit I am not the photo taker that others in the group. I left my phone in my pocket due to work and dirty hands. I figured this would be one of the best ways to share pictures I had with people who read this blog and my friends.

Us prior to leaving Carthage, MO

Truck decal for the Work and WItness

This is the first day of labor. You can still see the wet cement of what we accomplished.

The wood and metal attached to the wall is where we bent metal most of the morning

The metal we bent was put inside the bars to make cages to go in the concrete later.

More of First day work

recovery time on the first floor. This is where we ate all our meals.

Vacation Bible School from the back of a van

This is the inside of the church where we did Vacation Bible School the first week.

A strangers car abandoned on the sidewalk. We moved it by hand to this location.

Moving sand from the ground to the second story.

Games fro VBS, week two.

View from the construction area.

The children for snack and crafts at VBS

Basketball camp

These are the musicians where I preached

This is the location where I preached

We filled this sidewalk with dirt twice from the construction. It was cleaned the last day.

IT seems like we never left the Four States.

This is the construction we accomplished over the week.

Our Last Day. Spent some time on the beach.

1 comment:

Michele Burge said...

You have done an outstanding job with your site.