Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bible Study

So, I am not real active on this whole blogging system. I guess it really boils down to the fact I don't like to write in a journal any way. So, I was not sure what this adventure would unfold. I also was hopping for some feedback from people. But that would also require people to have read the blog. All in all, I will keep trying.

As for now, There is a lot of activity in the church. Of special interest to me is the two new Bible Studies (probably because I am the pastor). Of special interest is the Sunday night study using the Connecting with God curriculum. This was written by folks at Renovare. The process in this study is to help people grow closer to God through prayer, worship, and Bible Study. The final result would be that we follow God with each moment of our day. Heavy stuff, but I beleive this is what God desires out of His people.

The first lesson focused on God's desire and intention to leave with all of creation. This was ruined by the failure of people looking mostly for wisdom and power. We studies Genesis 3:1-13. No matter what we feel about this verse and its pointing fingers, the end result remains, God is not walking with us personally and we cannot spend our time speaking face to face. I believe this is what God wants, this is what heaven will be about.

The responsibility of the followers of Jesus s to be His disciples, learning from Him. The best way to learn something is to practice. The assignment for next week study is just that, practice talking with God. I have been doing this much more. One suggestion was to use the Bible as our prayers. I have followed this pattern. God has been up to something in my life. I have not fully come to realize what just yet. I started with Psalm 23. It has haunted me for two days. I have used different verses on different days. But Psalm 23 keeps coming back. I cannot wait to find out what God will teach me with this experiment.

So please, send comments. You might just be the one to help God point me in the right direction.

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