Thursday, April 9, 2009

Maundy Thursday

I first should apologize to any and all who were hoping I could keep my Lenten devotion of writing a note on James through the weeks. I now realize why we call them disciplines and not things we need to accomplish. So, I ask forgiveness to God and to you. Yet, I was thinking today on this "Holy Thursday" about the significance of the day and the meaning of it.

Part of my thoughts come from a question raised by a Bible Study group last week about what does Maundy Thursday mean. I, in my pride, declared that "Maundy" means "holy". Well, one student had a relative who was also a minster. The other minster said, "it literally means 'washing feet.'" Needless to say, this caused my competitive nature to shift into gear. I went to my study and found my copy of The New Handbook of the Christian Year. Well in the glossary of liturgical terms, it listed Maundy Thursday "an English corruption of the theme of the Gospel reading traditional to the day (John 13:34) in which Jesus gives the new commandment (Latin, mandatuim novum).” I apologized to the study for my ignorance.

I have pondered this day for the past few and realized that in many years I have looked forward to this evening worship over some of the other special parts of the Passion weekend. I have asked myself why this evening service and why this day would have a special place in my spiritual life. I think I have come to understand that tonight's celebration as what gives me the meaning for Sunday.

There are many people who will come on Sunday because they have some deep obligation to be in church on Easter Sunday. I have lost that need. Since I am in church every Sunday, I do not have extra need for Easter Sunday. I am happy for what the day represents. I believe Maundy Thursday is what gives meaning to the Sunday celebration.

At the Maundy Thursday service, I get a moment to remember those last moments Jesus spent with His disciples. I get to remember the meal He shared with them. I also get to recall all the actions that lead to His crucifixion on Good Friday. So, for me, Maundy Thursday has become my high point of the Passion weekend. I just hope I can recall enough to keep myself in Christ’s hands through the rest of the year.

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